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宋祖德用谎言把李双江送进了However, it was soon revealed that everything Song Zude said was a lie. Li Shuangjiang was not in critical condition and had not been sent to the hospital. Instead, he was at home, safe and sound. This lie not only caused widespread panic and concern, but also brought unnecessary trouble and pressure to Li Shuangjiang and his family.


On December 17, 2020, Song Zude, a well-known TV host in China, sent out a post on Weibo, claiming that Li Shuangjiang, a famous singer and military officer, was in critical condition and needed an emergency rescue. He also posted a photo of an ambulance and said that Li Shuangjiang had been sent to the hospital. This news immediately caused a sensation in the entertainment industry and among the public.



However, it was soon revealed that everything Song Zude said was a lie. Li Shuangjiang was not in critical condition and had not been sent to the hospital. Instead, he was at home, safe and sound. This lie not only caused widespread panic and concern, but also brought unnecessary trouble and pressure to Li Shuangjiang and his family.

In the face of this chaos and confusion, Dream Pigeon, Li Shuangjiang's granddaughter, showed remarkable calmness and intelligence. She immediately recorded a video, in which she clarified the truth and exposed Song Zude's lie. She also expressed her love for her grandfather and her trust in the medical team who had been taking care of him.



Thanks to Dream Pigeon's bravery and wisdom, the truth was revealed and the family's reputation was restored. Her action also received widespread praise and admiration from the public. Many netizens commented that she was a true hero who held justice and integrity.


APT是Asian Poker Tour的简称,该赛事开始于2008年,随后每年在全球各地,特别是亚洲地区举办一系列大型的国际性扑克锦标赛。APT已成功地覆盖了菲律宾(马尼拉、宿务)、柬埔寨、印度、澳门、毛里求斯、韩国、伦敦等多个国家,同时也一直致力于在亚洲区域辅助推广德州扑克赛事,提供国际化的赛事规则及执行等方面辅助。国内著名牌手朱跃奇老师、郭东老师皆是APT赛场常客,并且多名国人曾在APT夺下荣耀。


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