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儿子刚刚12岁,“咆哮帝”却宣Despite his fierce behavior, my son also has a softer side. He loves spending time with his grandparents and he even joked that he's already a grandpa in the making. It's heartwarming to see how much he cares for his grandparents and his desire to grow old with them. He's always asking to take pictures with them, which is a great way for them to bond.


My son just turned 12 years old and he's already acting like he's the king of our house. He's been roaring like a lion and demanding attention whenever he wants. We've nicknamed him the "Roaring King" because of the way he tries to assert his dominance over our family. It's both funny and frustrating to deal with his sudden outbursts.



Despite his fierce behavior, my son also has a softer side. He loves spending time with his grandparents and he even joked that he's already a grandpa in the making. It's heartwarming to see how much he cares for his grandparents and his desire to grow old with them. He's always asking to take pictures with them, which is a great way for them to bond.



Last but not least, my son and I have grown much closer over the years. Despite his recent behavior, I'm proud of the young man he's becoming and I enjoy spending time with him. We often take walks together and talk about everything from school to his future plans. He's also interested in my hobbies and we've even started a new tradition of playing basketball together every Sunday. It's moments like these that make me grateful for being a father.


APT是Asian Poker Tour的简称,该赛事开始于2008年,随后每年在全球各地,特别是亚洲地区举办一系列大型的国际性扑克锦标赛。APT已成功地覆盖了菲律宾(马尼拉、宿务)、柬埔寨、印度、澳门、毛里求斯、韩国、伦敦等多个国家,同时也一直致力于在亚洲区域辅助推广德州扑克赛事,提供国际化的赛事规则及执行等方面辅助。国内著名牌手朱跃奇老师、郭东老师皆是APT赛场常客,并且多名国人曾在APT夺下荣耀。


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