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2021天猫金妆奖揭榜,新锐美妆At this year's Tmall Gold Medal Award, a newcomer beauty brand named BairuiMei (百睿美) impressed the audience with its innovative products and outstanding performance. BairuiMei was founded in 2019, with a focus on developing high-quality skincare products made from natural ingredients. Its products have gained popularity among Chinese consumers, especially the younger generation who are looking for safe and effective beauty solutions.


Tmall Gold Medal Award is an annual event held by Alibaba Group's Tmall. It is one of the largest awards in the Chinese beauty industry, aimed to recognize the best beauty products and brands on Tmall. The winners are chosen through a rigorous selection process, which includes consumer voting, expert reviews, and sales performance. The award ceremony has become a major event in the beauty industry, attracting many brands and consumers.



At this year's Tmall Gold Medal Award, a newcomer beauty brand named BairuiMei (百睿美) impressed the audience with its innovative products and outstanding performance. BairuiMei was founded in 2019, with a focus on developing high-quality skincare products made from natural ingredients. Its products have gained popularity among Chinese consumers, especially the younger generation who are looking for safe and effective beauty solutions.



During the award ceremony, BairuiMei won the


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